Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Flower Waiting To Bloom

by SistasInArms on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 4:03pm
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name &
Care to know my hurt

There's a beautiful flower in the garden of my family that's desperately trying not to fade, desperately wanting to bloom in all her beauty. Her delicate petals have closed in tightly around her, shutting out light and warmth, enveloping her in a shadow. She cannot see the sunshine, but instead is lost within the storm that rages around her, holding her hostage. The potential of this precious and special flower, planted lovingly and purposefully in the garden of our family is to blossom and grow into the unique species, that is only her. Fashioned and known before time, a one of a kind, an essential part of the garden, an eagerly anticipated bloom, without which our landscape is incomplete.
 Our delicate bud is wilting, though we water and nourish her, she is not flourishing. We wait......and lovingly tend to our flower, encouraging her petals to gently loosen and allow a ray of sonshine to touch upon her heart. We patiently wait............wait for her to slowly unfold, to begin to soak in the life giving warmth, allowing the light to penetrate the darkness that surrounds her. We wait........wait for her to see that spring is just around the corner, a new season brimming with new birth and possibility.
 There's a beautiful flower bud in the garden of my family..........and my heart is longing to see her bloom

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


by SistasInArms on Tuesday, August 9, 2011 at 7:03pm
I've just arrived home from a few days away in Melbourne to recharge, relax and spend some well earned one on one time with my hubby. We stayed in a beautiful hotel, a real treat, I felt extremely spoiled and pampered. We did the touristy things, caught the tram, went shopping, took in an exhibition, drank coffee, relaxed in the local pubs, walked miles, played photographer, you get the gist and for all intent and purpose we could well have been in a different country. That's how it felt, being so far removed from our daily pressures and commitments, it was as if they no longer existed, just for a short while. Plugging into the TIME OUT, TIME AWAY socket came at just the right moment, charge was dangerously low, red light flashing on both of our indicators.
 The fresh air of new surroundings, no time constraints, no demands or expectations was invigorating, positive energy flowed freely. We walked with a spring in our step and renewed anticipation flooded our senses. We talked, we laughed, we reconnected on a level devoid of stress, abundant instead with undivided attention to one another. A rekindling of romance, so often buried beneath commitments of life, parenting and providing, still there smouldering away, awaiting a spark.
 Fully charged we returned home, to all that we left, no miraculous change in circumstance, no sudden shift in the load, just one small difference, green lights flashing instead of red.
 It's easy to say, now is not the right time, too much happening, finances don't allow, what about the kids, well what about all this stuff? Before we realise it, they'll be off doing there own thing, there will always be commitments, but will we always have each other, who knows what the future holds, missed opportunities are exactly that..missed. To be a successful partnership, time needs to be invested, I, his priority, he, my priority. The TIME OUT, TIME AWAY socket can be whatever works at the time, simple or extravagant it really doesn't matter, but it's not an option. Recharging is a necessary, indespensible part of marriage. I don't want to operate on low charge, that's not a fulfilling way to live or love and it's not how God intended marriage to be.
 So, for me, my TIME OUT, TIME AWAY was definitely TIME WELL SPENT.
 Is your warning light flashing, are you over due for a romance recharge ? Don't put it off any longer, find time to get back into the green zone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lasting Love

by SistasInArms on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at 5:16pm
As I was out walking today I passed by a lovely older couple, I'm guessing they were in their late 70's, early 80's strolling slowly along. My heart skipped a beat, a feeling of longing passed over me as I soaked in the picture of these strangers. Grey hair, slightly stooped in posture, each stride small and measured, but that's not what captured my heart..........Hands clasped tightly as these two lovers gazed into one anothers eyes, totally immersed in the moment, oblivious to me as I passed by. How blessed I was to have witnessed such a scene of devotion and deep love, it was just so obvious, I could feel it.
 Straight away my thoughts then wandered to my husband and I. Would we be so lucky as to grow old together, to still be passionately in love in our twilight years? Will he still be enamoured with me and I with him?
 I didn't ponder too long on this thought.........I already knew the answer........yes.
 Love would never be in doubt, it's the growing old bit that we have no control over. My heart tells me we"ll grow old gracefully together, but what if ? Again my heart skipped a beat........." I have loved ( and will love ) you with an everlasting love ".
 A peace settled softly over me as I continued to walk and meditate upon that promise. I will always be loved, no matter where my life's journey takes me.
 How beautiful that my God wants me to know this, and He wants you to know this too, precious Sistas. This promise is for each and every one of His daughters. Reach out, grasp hold, and take these words, store them in your heart, draw on them in times of pain and trial that they may bring you comfort and peace.
  You are loved with an everlasting love

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BOOK CHAT"- Literary Interlude

by SistasInArms on Wednesday, July 6, 2011 at 5:12pm
Have got to share this one. THE BEST book I've read to date on child rearing.
A Guide To Successfully Parenting A Defiant
Teen Without Giving Up Or Giving In

This is a must read, for all parents, even if you are not blessed with defiant kids. I've read a mountain of books on child rearing and discipline, often stopping half way through in discouragement. Jimmy Myers gives practical advice on handling situations with teens that most, if not all of us will encounter to some degree. It's real, it's raw, and it's honest.
Often we start out reading expecting to find answers and formulas to our problems, which, lets be honest, we see as our children's behaviour, well you are in for a big surprise, and you may already know this deep down. It's more about us than them, the way we handle and react to behaviours that disappoint us. There's no airy fairy advice in this book, it's solid and straight to the point with plenty of example case studies from Jimmys' years of working with kids and their parents.
 I recommend you read this one, it's easy to read, you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Miss You Nana

I Miss You Nana

by SistasInArms on Friday, July 15, 2011 at 10:46am
It's been 3 years since the closing of my Nanas chapter. This morning, as I sorted through some things I found a poem she had written for me when I was just 15. She always knew where my heart was, always had words of wisdom to share at just the right time.
                    "JUST FIFTEEN"
Wondering and dreaming
Where am I going?
Wanting to say but not really knowing
Yesterday so sure-everything right
Now it's today-where is the light?
Yesterday gone-gone out of sight
Not yet a woman-no longer a child
Feelings inside me bewildered and wild
Am I loved, do I care
Should I trust that they are there?
Yes I must-they are there!
Those who love me and advise
Yet I wonder-are they wise?
I am me, they are not!
Can they know how things can be-
It's my life, can't I be free?
Why can't they see-why can't they see?
And yet I know at just fifteen-
I have not been, I have not seen
God given life ahead of me-
Why can't I see-why can't I see?
If I should pause for just a while
Will God look down with a gentle smile
Upon His loved bewildered child-
Take my hand and day by day
Hold it tight and show the way-
That along lifes road, He will always be
If I let Him walk with me.

 I miss her beautiful hugs, her loving smile, her gentle voice, the delight in her face when I visited, the way she found beauty in the simple things, her laugh, her wisdom and most of all her love.
   Till we meet again, Nana
                                        Your Grandaughter, Leeanne

Sunday, July 10, 2011


" There is such incredible power to open and close the hearts of those  you encounter just by deliberately choosing to connect. " -Lisa Bevere

To connect or to make a connection, 1. to link together 2. to associate mentally 3. to constitute a link between, 2. a relationship or association 4. somebody connected to one by friendship.

How are you at making connections? Do you look for opportunities to connect,or do you shy away from connecting with others ? Do you maintain the connections you have made or do you seem to be accumulating a lot of loose connections that function temporarily ?
 Some of us are afraid to connect with others due to past disappointments and hurt, others are great at making the initial connection but fall short in the maintenance department and some are just too busy. I think we can all put our hand up to at least one of these. So where does that leave us? Well, I guess we can either choose to use these as excuses as to why we have failed connections or..... look at ourselves openly and honestly examining where we may have fallen short in the nurture of our friendships.
 Friendships are a part of our life that need to be intentionally fostered, not always with large lashings of time, because that's something we can all be in short supply of, but simple things, a text message, a note in the mail,a phone call, even 1/2 hour for a quick coffee.
Friendships are not seasonal unless you choose them to be. We've all experienced and probably been guilty of "we'll have to get together","catch up for a coffee soon" e.t.c and months go by. With the pace of life accelerating Sistas are falling through the cracks, out of site, out of mind. When was the last time the thought of someone you hadn't seen for ages popped into your head and more importantly...did you act upon it ?
 "Friendships are vital. They can be an avenue of hope when there is noneThey can be a place of inspiration when you are depleted of all energy. They can provide laughter just when you need a smile, and a prayer when you need a miracle. C'mon, girls. We need each other. Let's get good at building friendships !! " Holly Wagnersums it up quite nicely.
  I'm choosing to open the hearts of those I encounter, fix up the loose connections and endeavoring to plug up the cracks ! Want to join me ??

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


TRUE BEAUTY........What lies are our girls being fed ?
by Leeanne Reeves
What is REAL beauty ? Who defines REAL beauty ? Where are our girls sourcing their perception of REAL beauty? Are they being misled by what society the media and those in positions of influence portray as REAL?
 As a mum of 4 teenage girls I am more than aware of the pressures and influences our girls are bombarded with on a daily basis. I see and experience the doubt and stress, the wounding of self esteem, the questioning of their worth all tied to the way they look. Am I wearing the right clothes ? Does my hair look ok ? Do I have pimples ? My eyes are the wrong colour ! Am I thin enough ? I'm too fat ! The list is unbelievable and what's worse is that the validation of these perceived flaws is given by their peers, friends who struggle daily with the same issues. In a desperate attempt to feel good about themselves they are resorting to pointing out one anothers flaws.
 Eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia are on the rise and the girls ( and boys ) suffering are getting younger. What does this say about our society and what we deem as important ? Our children, like never before are exposed from an alarmingly young age through all forms of media and advertising, to an unrealistic standard of beauty, visual beauty. Our girls are sexualized from an alarmingly young age, just take a look at the underwear section at the shops for what they call "tweens", a burgeoning market priming our girls to think "sexy". What was once seen as inappropriate to screen at certain times on television no longer seems to be an issue, everywhere you look our kids are being inundated with lies and fantasy. They are being fed an unrealistic view of what beauty really is. They expect the FANTASY and are chasing after it.
 What can we do to combat the negative influences our kids are exposed to ? We can't lock them away from the world, it's impossible to shelter them from everything undesirable and they need to learn to make positive and healthy choices on their own.
 A healthy self esteem stems from knowing who you are, being comfortable in your own skin and understanding the meaning of TRUE beauty. Some are blessed with a visual beauty and that's ok but we can all be RADIANT- vividly bright and shining expressing love, happiness and health. I believe this is the essence of TRUE beauty, lasting and genuine, evident in old age when time has altered our visual appearance.
 As parents all we can really endeavor to do is to instill an understanding of what RADIANT BEAUTY is in our children every day. To positively reinforce attributes other than physical appearance and point them to the One who created them perfectly and wondrously.
 We can also have a voice collectively by speaking out against the negative influences where and whenever we are presented with the opportunity to do so. It takes courage to be bold........But what is at stake? I'd say its worth the effort !

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It's been over a year since I have posted anything here on My Thoughts, the time seems to have flown and yet as I sit here typing I almost feel a stranger. I'm another year older and another year would hope.
 The journey over the last 12months, actually 2years, has been one filled with just about every emotion I can think of, anger, distress, helplessness, anguish, hurt, disappointment, loss, doubt, loneliness and failure. How's that for a depressing list! And yes you can throw a dose of depression in there as well. 
 The most recent season of my life is definitely sitting on the top of the list as the most challenging chapter yet, one that was shaping up to be an extended version with no end in sight. I really didn't think I could see or believe that there was an end and that's because there isn't! I've finally come to the point where I've realised the road doesn't end, it's just that there is a bend ahead and I can't see around it. My strength and resilience were completely depleted and I didn't grasp and hang on to the One who would have carried me, will carry me and is carrying me.
 At some point in the near future I will write about the events that have unfolded to date, but at this moment I don't feel that I can appropriately express in word the experiences that we have endured. I am now in the process of rebuilding my faith, choosing to jettison the negative and that which threatens to drag me under, and grasp hold tightly of all that is good, positive, and life building. It is a daily conscious decision and one way I have found to accomplish this goal is in encouraging others. The blessing I have received through the simple act of lifting up others in word has been astounding. It is my heart to nurture, and in doing so I have received the same in return. God is gently drawing me back, restoring that which I thought was lost. The story is far from over and some days I wonder how we will ever weather this storm, but seeing around the corner is not so much of an issue now, tackling each new day with a positive attitude is the focus and learning to trust in God again believing that all things work together for good.
I'd love to see you visit my fb page SistasInArms. It's a place where we endeavor to encourage, brighten your day and perhaps bring a smile to your face. Hope to see you there ! :)