Sunday, September 27, 2009

Beautiful Feet

Wardrobe conversion complete! The weather has warmed up, winter clothes packed away, summer apparell now hanging in it's place, "finally". It's been a long winter and it's exhilerating to be out in the sun again. The aroma of spring sparks the senses, renewed motivation, anticipation, excitement, time to catch up on all the things left undone, and of course, shopping for new season bargains.
First port of call, shoes. Sitting down to try on the funky platforms I'd found, I slipped off my black winter faithfuls, "Oh No!" Now girls, we all now what happens to our feet when they are tucked away and covered up during their hibernating months. If you are like me, you become a little neglectful, "Out of sight, Out of mind!" More pressing issues take precidence over tending to my feet, but really it dosen"t take long, a little TLC on a regular basis keeps my tootsies in good shape. REGULARLY is the key, left unattended to, my poor old feet start to look a bit dry, cracked and neglected and of course the longer I leave tending to the situation, the more prolonged the recovery of "said" feet becomes. In all aspects of life, we need to be consistent, committed to maintaining the things that are important. I know what you are thinking, "They are only feet!", but bare with me.
"Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today" Hebrews 3.13 NIV
I think that sometimes we get so caught up in our own little world of "Busyness" that we can forget what an impact we have on the lives of those around us.
Do we make a point of touching base regularly with friends? Or do we find ourselves in that place of "Just too busy, will do it later", and before we know it, weeks or months have gone by?
"Encouragement is awesome. it has the capacity to.......actually change the course of another human beings' day, week or life" - Charlse R. Swindoll.
Friendships are beautiful, precious blessings gifted to us by God to enrich our daily walk. To encourage one another daily requires "nurture" and to nurture we need to REGULARLY touch base. I know at times it is difficult, life gets hectic, but let's not become "too busy" to realise what is truly important.
Re-connect with old friends, do coffee with your besties, seek out new friendships, not only will you be a blessing, but your life will also be enriched.
Oh, if you are still wondering about the feet..........
 Isaiah 52:7 NLT
  "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of peace and salvation....."



  1. What a great looking bunch of girls ... :)

    Make them my 'besties' any day!

  2. Hi Leeanne,

    Thank you for visiting my blog--it's so nice to "meet" you.

    It's so true that life pulls us in every direction, yet we must make time for the friendships--the relationships that God has given us. I adore getting together with my friends!

    Love your photo. What a beautiful group!

  3. That's hilarious you're vamping up for Summer. Here in Florida, I'm begging God for summer to be over. Please, please let it cool down!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to "see" you again.

    And yes, I do have to make a point to nurture friendships. With two small children, life can get chaotic, but busyness instead of relationship is just not an option. So true.

  4. Leeanne, thanks for stopping by my blog. And what a surprise to realize that spring has begun, while here in Florida, it's supposed to be fall. (but was in the 90's today!)

    Your blog lovely! So is your family. I'm so glad you have pictures up. Thanks for reminding me to be grateful for the blessings I already have.

  5. As you enjoy summer, I will be freezing my fanny off in winter.

    I wonder what winter clothes will fit this year?
