Monday, September 14, 2009

Celerbrating Fatherhood

I'm sitting here feeling quite chuffed, I have just learnt how to upload photos onto my computer. I can see the expressions of shock & hear the giggles of disbelief, I know, it's so simple but I'm technologically challenged, surely I'm not the only one who usually gets the kids to do it for them???? Somebody humour me please! I'm sure I"ll get the hang of it eventually. Anyway, as I was perusing through my photos I came across images from Fathers Day. My hubby received the best present, according to him, all of his daughters spending the day together as a family. This is a rarity theses days as No 1 daughter has her licence and a boyfriend. We picniced by the lake in the gorgeous sunshine with both pops, siblings, nieces and nephews, the whole clan, it was a memorable occasion.
 Watching my dad sitting in his camping chair relaxing prompted me to dig into many such memories. He's in his sixties now and a lifetime of hard physical work is beginning to show its toll. He's not as spritely as he once was, there's a limp when he walks and I'm sure hes shrunk and for the first time, I truly realised,  "my dad is getting old". I think I still saw him through the eyes of a little girl, that forever young daddy had suddenly become the grandad, his mortality evident.
 Not so long ago, driving in the car listening to Focus on the Family, honouring dads being the topic of the day, it was sugested that we write a letter to our dad, thanking him for who he is and what he has meant in our life. I took up the challenge and I think the effects of these written memories and feelings were as profound for me as they were for my dad when I presented them to him as a gift......
When I was little you read me stories in bed each night
You stayed up late on Christmas Eves putting stuff together
You took me to work with you
We surfed together on your malibu
You taught me how to fish
We watched our special tv documentaries together
Each summer weekend you'd pack up the van to go to the beach
You took us camping and 4wheel driving
We went bushwalking and tadpoling
You held my head and comforted me when I was sick
You ran with me after a hard days work
You sat through all my ballet concerts
You encouraged when I began my career and you taught me good work ethic
You trusted me when I spread my wings
You extended a helping hand to get my first business underway
Your example helped me to choose a husband who would love and treat me well
You kissed my hand as you walked me down the aisle and gave me away
You built the home in which I am raising my family
You were there when your grandaughters were born, each one special to their Poppy Pete
You have always put me first, often at your own expense
You are an example of honesty, integrity, hard working, perseverance, longsuffering, endurance, trustworthiness and commitment
You have given me many wonderful, cherished memories
I look up to you and I admire you
I thank God for you and am proud you are my Daddy
You mean more to me than you know and I'll love you always
Thank you, Your Daughter
 I can't recall seeing my dad moved emotionally on many occasions, with tears in his eyes he hugged me and said, " This is the best present ever ".
So often we neglect to let the people who are important in our lives know how much we appreciate them. We assume they are aware of our feelings and take for granted there will always be a tomorrow. My nana gave me her diamond ring for my 30 birthday, she wanted me to know then how much she loved me and see me wearing it, that was 11 years ago and she has since gone home, but I knew because she told me.
Don't put it off any longer, someone is waiting to hear, mend the bridge if you have to. What began as a gift for my dad became a blessing for me.
                  My Dad                                               My Hubby & his Girls                                        

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